Foreclosure Filings Now At Pre-Pandemic Levels

Recent Foreclosure statistics have shown us that Foreclosure Filings are now tracking at a volume level that compares to the Pre-Pandemic volume. Based on the first 6 months of 2022, Foreclosure filings should come in some where in between 2018 and 2019 levels. However, if what we hear behind the scenes in true, then the volume should grow even greater as time goes on. The question we have to pose to the Mainstream media is: "Why are homeowners not selling their homes to stop their Foreclosure, considering that they have all this Equity at their disposal"? Yes, inquiring minds really want to know the answer to this question.

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Housing Market Craters as Sales Get Cancelled at Record Rates

Once again we have evidence that the overall Housing Market is cratering: Sales and Contracts getting cancelled by potential Buyers at record rates. Some sales are cancelled due to the recent increase in mortgage rates, which may leave many Buyers unable to afford the property they had hoped to purchase. Other Buyers are now aware that they could have more room to negotiate a better price, now that there is far more inventory on market and Sellers also are forced to reduce their price points and compete. It's not one item that causes a Housing Crash, it is a number of items and issues that when compounded create the chaos in the Housing Market.

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Housing Bubble Burst Already Baked In

Let's get back down to Housing Fundamentals. Housing Purists will readily tell us that the Housing Market is not going to correct or crash because the Housing Fundamentals do not support that theory. Well, I guess it depends on who you talk to about Housing Fundamentals. In this video we review the current Housing Fundamentals and prove that a Housing Correction or Crash has already been baked in by the actions of the FED and others.

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Over 8 Million Americans Behind on Rent - Eviction Tidal Wave

It was only a matter of time until the Rental issues would rear their ugly heads. The high cost of goods and services, like gas and food products, among many other items, is now effecting every person one way or another. Households that have a limited of fixed income will spend their funds on food, utilities and transportation before they pay for Housing costs. This, once again, puts many landlords in predicaments of trying to figure out what to do as most are still trying to recover from their losses due to the previous Moratorium on Evictions. Once again the small "Ma & Pa" landlords face financial hardship.

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All Signs Point to a Housing Correction or Crash

It is not one thing that leads to a Housing Crash, it is multiple items that simultaneously contribute to the overall stress in the Housing Market and turn the tides towards a Housing Correction or Housing Crash. The list i reviewed is extensive. There will be those who are quick to say that "This time will be different". Their arguments can easily be disputed with legitimate facts and actual phenomenon taking place in the US Housing Market.

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The FED Plans to Reset the Housing Market

 So everyday we are listening to more "doom and gloom" regarding the US Housing Market, some of it justified. The Federal Reserve, specifically Jerome Powell, has stated that the Housing Market needs a "Reset" in order to level the playing field for all potential Buyers. They are trying to curtail rampant inflation and Home Price Appreciation simultaneously. Let's see if they can pull this off. Lower Price Points on the Way!

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